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Who’s a good boy?

See video here.

What a busy day! I didn’t expect Mom to wake me up early because she was out well past our bed time on an adventure with my cat-sister. (My cat-sister lost a fight and came home with her eye swollen shut. Then Mom plopped her in the carrier, ran out in her PJ’s and was gone for a very long time.) Instead of holding mini steaks to my cat-sister‘s eye in the morning, Mom made ME get out of bed and go for a pre-dawn run. It wasn’t raining, but it was still unseasonably cold, and Mom and I breathed steam like fire-breathing dragons. The Wetlands that Smell Like a Fart must have been full of fire-farting dragons too, because for about half a mile we ran through fog so thick that Mom’s headlamp couldn’t penetrate it. Instead it shone back in our eyes, blinding us. We were out so early, that the sun didn’t even start to come up until our last of 9 miles!

I didn’t understand why Mom made us get up so early on a Saturday, especially after I had been up so late worrying about being abandoned forever. But after a quick breakfast Mom put me BACK in the car. We drove and drove and drove and drove and drove for a very long time to a place I’d never been before. Then she stopped driving and we sat in the car some more. Suddenly, out of nowhere came another damned good-looking dog. It was the only dog in the world who is ALMOST as dashingly handsome, superlatively agile and irresistibly likable as me: MY SISTER!

My Mom and hers let us off leash, and for almost 4 miles, we chased each other over hill and dale, on the trail but mostly off, through the woods and down steep slopes. Because I can be a bit of an “asshole” sometimes, Mom was nervous about letting me off leash, especially in a place that had so many more exciting things for me to pay attention to than her. I decided to play a little trick on Mom. Because she’s always telling me my recall “kinda sucks,” I decided that I would come back to her every time she called. Every single time. Right away. I even kept all my attention focused on my sister and didn’t steamroll any of the little dogs I saw, or try to start something with the big dogs. Ha! Joke’s on Mom! Now no one’s going to believe that I’m “a bit of an asshole!”

Who’s a good boy? Oscar the Pooch is, suckas!


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