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4 days ago8 min read
Build a bridge and get over it (free)
“You don’t have to beat all of life’s levels by yourself. Sometimes someone has already made it easier, but you have to take their hints.”

Jan 3010 min read
🌟 Build a bridge and get over it
“You don’t have to beat all of life’s levels by yourself. Sometimes someone has already made it easier, but you have to take their hints.”

Jan 2310 min read
🌟 Wade and see
I stepped into the river and made a big show of stopping for a drink to show the water that couldn’t push me around.

Jan 159 min read
The moose is loose (free)
“They can’t catch us if we outrun them.” Mom leaned forward and fell uphill in what looked like the sprint of someone who just grew legs

Jan 911 min read
🫎 The moose is loose
“They can’t catch us if we outrun them.” Mom leaned forward and fell uphill in what looked like the sprint of someone who just grew legs

Dec 25, 202410 min read
Mad George (free)
“It must be a river,” Mom said in a sleepy voice. “This place is called Mad Gorge which means—"

Dec 19, 202412 min read
🌟 Mad George
“It must be a river,” Mom said in a sleepy voice. “This place is called Mad Gorge which means—"

Dec 18, 20248 min read
Crying Wolf (free)
I must have been behind a rock by the time Mom came by. The next time I heard her, she was bellowing my name from farther down the trail.

Dec 12, 202411 min read
🌟 Crying Wolf
I must have been behind a rock by the time Mom came by. The next time I heard her, she was bellowing my name from farther down the trail.

Nov 27, 202410 min read
Raging rapids (free)
"Ack! Do you feel that?” Mom gasped. “The barometric pressure! I feel like I’m choking.”

Nov 21, 202412 min read
🌟 Raging rapids
"Ack! Do you feel that?” Mom gasped. “The barometric pressure! I feel like I’m choking.”

Nov 20, 202410 min read
Lockout (free)
“I don’t see why someone has to sit out in the rain all day just to do something for me that I’m perfectly capable of doing myself...”

Nov 14, 202410 min read
🌟 Lockout
“I don’t see why someone has to sit out in the rain all day just to do something for me that I’m perfectly capable of doing myself...”

Nov 6, 20247 min read
Oregon Trail pt. 2 (free)
We ran down the paved road with the shadows of branches on our heads and the smell of clouds in our noses. Ahead, on the other left , a...

Oct 31, 20249 min read
🌟 Oregon Trail pt. 2
“I thought you said we couldn’t get lost!” I gasped. Suddenly, the mailman van felt very far away.

Oct 16, 20248 min read
Spooky Story (free)
I looked back at the bite mark and my body went cold. A something was flapping just beyond the edge of it...

Oct 10, 202410 min read
🌟 Spooky Story
I looked back at the bite mark and my body went cold. A something was flapping just beyond the edge of it...

Sep 26, 202418 min read
🌟 Oscar puts the “poo”in “shampoo”
“No, Mom!” I said with a subtle pull on the leash. “It’s a trap! He’s trying to dognap you!”

Sep 25, 202416 min read
Oscar puts the “poo”in “shampoo” (free)
“No, Mom!” I said with a subtle pull on the leash. “It’s a trap! He’s trying to dognap you!”

Sep 25, 20247 min read
Tick talk (free)
She didn't even bother to unlock the mailman van before she descended on me with a hunerd pinching fingers.
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