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My birthday present

Hi, everyone! Guess what? I’m 4 now!

On my birthday I was supposed to have a really fun adventure… Bodie and I were going to go on a hike with Mom and one of my favorite people friends. But then I was limping and Mom said Bodie was probably too exciting for me and if we wrestled my bad leg would probably fall off. Then we never found my other friend because Mom got so lost she cried. So we spent all day in the car, and never even got out to run or hike. It wasn’t a very fun birthday…

Mom apologized for ruining my birthday, but she said that my present was going to be our biggest adventure ever: a road trip!

There are four states in this country, and I’m going to get to visit all four of them. Mom said that she quit her job and we’re going to spend 2 weeks driving to new places, running, hiking, and letting adventure find us. “But Mom, what if you get lost again? You couldn’t even find a mountain on my birthday and you were driving all over it the whole time. What if you can’t find Utah? I don’t want you to cry again.” “If we don’t find Utah, then we’ll just stay in Nevada and have fun there. I find it upsetting when you cry… What if we go to Nevada and Utah and Arizona, and then we can’t find California again? Then we can never go home and you will definitely cry…” “Oscar, there’s been too much worrying lately. We’re not going to worry about things on this trip.”

It will be a working vacation for both of us. My job is to be a life coach and help mom remember what makes her happy and figure out what she wants to do with her life. Mom will need to work hard as my assistant and make sure to report back my findings to the world.

-Oscar the Pooch

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