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Mom is home!

Mom is home! Mom is home! Mom is home! Mom is home! Mom is home! Mom is home! Mom is home! Mom is home! …

… Is what I barked for a solid 20 min as I ran around the house and up the walls last night. Anyone wondering why I’m doing these videos should watch the YouTube videos of dogs seeing their soldier-families come home after deployment. Anyone who is loved that much should never feel sad… Ever! And we should all thank soldiers for their service by being as happy thatthey’re home as their dogs are… And also providing them with the healthcare, counseling and resources they need to successfully re-adjust to civilian life. And if that’s not enough, I know some homeless pooches that would be thrilled to help by becoming service pooches.

Anyway, Mom took me on a regular old walk this morning, not a run. I still had to do my push-ups though. Mom was too busy catching up with all the work she missed, so I helped her with some of the counting in today’s salute to our veterans.

–Oscar the Pooch #22pushups #22kill


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